With over 12 years experience, I have worked with a wide range of notable brands throughout my career. I led all creative design for the highly successful wellness startup, Vital Proteins, as their Vice President of Design/Brand Creative for over 6 years. I developed and grew their brand from a small startup to a billion dollar worldwide company that was acquired by Nestlé, and built out an in-house design team of 15 designers & project managers that served as our own internal agency. I oversaw all creative at the company including product development & packaging, branding, ecommerce, digital advertising, social media, experiential events, retail/trade-marketing, celebrity marketing campaigns, as well as the design for all their corporate office spaces & facilities. Our Headquarters was named by Inc. Magazine as one of the “World’s 10 Most Beautiful Offices” in 2019. I also contributed to 2 major advertising campaigns featuring celebrity Jennifer Aniston that were featured on major broadcast networks domestically and internationally.

Other clients from earlier in my career include Hilton Worldwide, Twitter, LinkedIn, Northwestern Medicine, Bright Pink, Aligned Modern Health, Huron Healthcare, and Ameriprise Financial.

Hello. I’m Amanda.

I’m here to leverage my expertise to help bring your brand to life and offer strategic solutions to optimize and elevate your brand or products!

I am based in beautiful Bozeman, Montana where I live a very active lifestyle with my sweet pup Ralphie. I am an outdoor enthusiast - I enjoy hiking, skiing, kayaking, camping, and traveling the world exploring as many mountain ranges as I can! My business name is reflective of the joy and satisfaction I get when I do a hard hike and finally make it to the summit. There is no feeling in the world like standing on the top of a mountain, looking down at the surrounding land and the path you took to get there. I look forward to our creative journey together and the summits we will reach for your brand!